Privacy policy

The protection of your personal data is important to us. The legislator understands personal data as all information relating to an “identified or identifiable natural person”. This includes data such as name, address, telephone number and date of birth.

This data enjoys special protection and is only collected by us to the extent technically necessary.

We inform you here which data we collect during your visit to our website and how we use it.

We adhere to the regulations of the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG), the Telemedia Act (TMG), as well as the DSVGO. Your personal data will only be used, processed and stored to process your enquiries and, if necessary, to process your orders or contracts with our company. Your consent will be obtained for all other uses. The exact purpose for which your data will be used will be specified, e.g. for information about our services by newsletter, obtaining a credit check, etc.

You can visit our website without providing any personal data.

We only collect anonymous user data that does not allow identification of the person.

Our website offers you further functions, for which – should you wish to use them – personal data will be collected, processed and stored by us. This processing is done for the following purpose:

Contact forms:
We will only use the data collected by means of our contact forms to process enquiries sent to us through these contact forms. After processing the enquiries, the collected data will be deleted immediately if no legal retention periods apply in this regard.

Disclosure to third parties:
We only pass on your personal data to third parties if this is necessary for us to fulfil our contractual obligations, in particular to process a concluded contract with you. This may be the case, for example, in the case of a booking.

Personal data is not passed on to third parties except for the purpose of contract and payment processing.

Data that you make available to us in the context of your express consent will be used explicitly only for the purpose on which your consent is based.

Your personal data will only be stored for as long as necessary for the stated purpose of the data collection or as required by law. You can revoke your consent at any time.

Your interests worthy of protection will be taken into account within the framework of the legal provisions. You can obtain information about the stored data concerning you from the responsible office (see below).

The legal basis for the processing of users’ personal data is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO.

The processing of the users’ personal data enables us to analyse the surfing behaviour of our users. By evaluating the data obtained, we are able to compile information about the use of the individual components of our website. This helps us to continuously improve our website and its user-friendliness. These purposes are also our legitimate interest in processing the data in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f DSGVO. By anonymising the IP address, the interest of users in the protection of their personal data is sufficiently taken into account.

External content and/or processing of data outside the EU:
We use active Java Script content from external providers. By calling up our website, these external providers may receive personal information about your visit to our website. It is possible that data is processed outside the EU.

You can prevent this by installing a java script blocker such as the browser plugin ‘NoScript’ ( or by deactivating java script in your browser. This may restrict functionality on websites you visit.

We use:

Google Web Fonts:
We use so-called web fonts, which are provided by Google, for the uniform display of fonts. When you call up our site, your browser loads the necessary web fonts into its browser cache in order to display texts and fonts as desired.

To do this, the browser you are using must establish a connection to Google’s servers. This provides Google with the information that our site was accessed using your IP address. The use of Google Web Fonts is in the interest of a uniform presentation of our online offer.

If your browser does not support web fonts, a standard font from your computer will be used for display.

Google APIs:
Google APIs from Google Inc, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (hereinafter: Google). are used on our website. This is a program interface provided by Google. During use, data such as the IP address in particular may be transmitted to Google. You can prevent the collection and forwarding of personal data (in particular your IP address) to Google and the processing of this data by Google by deactivating the execution of JavaScript in your browser or installing a tool such as ‘NoScript’.

We store so-called “cookies” in order to offer you a comprehensive range of functions and to make the use of our websites more comfortable. “Cookies” are small text files that are stored on your computer with the help of your internet browser. If you do not want cookies to be used, you can prevent them from being stored on your computer by setting your browser’s preferences.

Data security and data protection, communication by e-mail:
Through our technical and organisational measures, your personal data is protected during collection, storage and processing in such a way that it is inaccessible to third parties.

Only when communicating via e-mail can we not guarantee complete data security. You should therefore send us particularly sensitive information either personally, in encrypted form, or by post.

E-mail archiving:
We expressly point out that our e-mail server has an automated archiving procedure. In this case, all incoming and outgoing e-mails are archived digitally and in an audit-proof manner for reasons of tax law (GoBD ยงยง 146, 147 AO) and commercial law. The storage period can be up to 10 years. For further questions regarding this digital archiving, please contact our data protection officer.

Revocation of consent – data information and change requests – deletion & blocking of data:
In accordance with the Federal Data Protection Act, you have a right to free information about your stored data, as well as a right to correction, blocking or deletion of this data, if applicable. Your data will then be deleted if this does not conflict with legal regulations. You can revoke a permission granted to us to use your personal data at any time. You can send requests for information, deletion and correction of your data and also suggestions at any time to the following address: